Saturday, October 1, 2011

iPad Apps for Classroom

Moments Ago is an app that I have written about before.  I rarely write about apps that are not free.  This one costs $3.99.

The app is an iPhone app so I imagine a lot more teachers could access the app.  It is so very easy to use once its set up.

The app comes with some built in messages "Moments ago I noticed Johnny acting very kindly to a classmate" "Moments Ago Suzy thoughtfully contributed to a discussion in class" "Moments Ago I noticed that Robert is not performing at the level he is accustomed to".  You can edit the messages.

Sending a message is simple.  Three clicks will send a note to a parent.

Parents have responded.  I have had 15 responses to these emails saying "Thank You".  Never had such responses.

1 comment:

  1. This looks good for certain demographics. I just wish our parents would answer the phone every couple of months, let alone show up for their children's concert with the Baltimore Symphony. More than 60% anyway.
